When I first started writing this blog, I had all these thougths about just how much of myself I would share and how much I would keep private. I planned on sharing my random thoughts on life and my love of art and other interest but didn’t intend to talk about my loved ones at all, that was just too close to my heart! But lately something has been tugging me and that something is you! As I share more and more of myself i’m becoming more connected to you and even though I’m finding myself in this incredibly vulnerable place, I kinda like it here. As I pull back the vail, I am enjoying the view more and more. It’s kinda like dating a new guy or finding a new friend, scary at first but as you reveal yourself you become more comfortable. So i guess that’s where I am, just lovin’ the ride and excited to see where we can go.


So now for some formal introductions…

My rock, my love, and the leader of our clan.
Everything he does is for us and he is the love of my life.

My first born, she’s 10 going on 16 and smarter than any of us.

I’m in awe of her and excited to see where God leads her life.

My baby, he’s 9 and has the sweetest heart.
His kind and caring way helps to keep us all in check and he is an amazing example of Christ’s love. Funny how kids can do that.

Our home, we have lived here for 7 years and our roots get deeper and deeper.

My creative space. May look messing to you, but i call that INSPIRATION!

Me! Still growing and learning, but comfortable in my own skin.

What a blessing that is to know and love yourself!

Welcome to my whole heart, may not always be pretty, but it’s real.

I’m so glad you stopped in to visit.

I hope you enjoy this 4th of July weekend with your loved ones.

Please pray for our military.