If you have been reading my blog, it didn’t take you long to figure out that I can’t spell! I know…a blogger that can’t spell! But I can’t and I depend on spellcheck to catch my mistakes. Often times this is like depending on mapquest, not 100% accurate! So I have been humbled
many times as I’ll read over a published post of mine, only to find I had misspelled something. CRAP!

What’s really ironic is I use the written word in my artwork. So I’m a blogger who can’t spell AND uses words in her artwork.
Not sure if I’m brave or just plain dumb but in this case ignorence is bliss.
What’s wrong with this picture?

CHEERIES?? What! Did I really write CHEERIES?! CRAP!
Now what?

Came up with this solution and sold these pieces first thing at the next art show I did. Had to laugh! Luckily the client laughed too after sharing my mistake. So glad they didn’t demand their money back.

Recently I learned that using words in art is called TYPOGRAPHY.
  • ty·pog·ra·phy
    n. pl. ty·pog·ra·phies
    a. The art and technique of printing with movable type.
    b. The composition of printed material from movable type.
    2. The arrangement and appearance of printed matter.
Wow, didn’t know there was a name for this. So now I’m a Mixed Media Typography Artist.
So fancy!:)

I decided I would’nt hit “spellcheck” today, thought you would enjoy a good laugh.

I have a fun themed art project to share with you on Friday so stop over and visit! xo