Prayers and Scripture for Lent
Day 13

Jesus said to His disciples

“Be merciful, just as you Father is merciful”

Luke 6:36



Dear Merciful Father,

Your mercy is more vast than the ocean!
More plentiful than every grain of sand!
Always ready to forgive, no matter the depth of the fall.
You paid the ultimate price in your mercy, by giving us your Son Jesus.
Help us to honor you and your Sacrifice by forgiving others when they hurt us.
Not only forgiving them, but bringing them to you love and in prayer.

In the name of Jesus,



Thanks for all the prayers and support, as I went off on my quiet time with Christ.

They worked!

The theme of the retreat was AMAZING LOVE…it sure is.
It was a wonderful experience and God showered me with Love and Blessings.

I’m grateful that God worked through my friend to get me there. I’m grateful too for the women i shared this time with.
I was welcomed home with hugs and kisses and was so happy to know my family had a great weekend too.

If any of you have been thinking about attending a retreat, of any kind, I would highly encourage you to try one. They refresh the soul and clear out the cobwebs.

God is good….all the time!