Meet Sara!

 Sara has been part of the Club from the beginning! Her knowledge and devotion to the Saints is a real inspiration to me. Sara’s family does an amazing job in encouraging her and they spend time together researching different Saints and growing together in their knowledge and devotion of our friends in Heaven.  If there was a trivia game show about the Saints…Sara would be a champ!

Let’s meet 9 year old Sara!

Favorite Saint and why: St.Agnes of Assisi is my favorite saint because she is pretty in the saint cards I have.  I have a short book called  ‘A Story Of Saint Agnes of Assisi’ by Brother Flavius, C.S.C. that I got on the feast of Saint Nicholas.

Favorite thing about the Saint of the Month Club: My favorite thing about the Saint of the Month Club is learning about the saints. I like learning about how they died or were martyred.  I also like your paintings of the saints.

Favorite family activity? My favorite family activity is playing outside with my family, because we get to play together. We like playing Frisbee together. 

 Please join me this month in praying for Sara and her family. May they continue to be open to the gift of grace and a lifelong friendship with the Saints.  May the Holy Spirit guide us all in a greater knowledge of the Saints and help us to remember to call on them in our times of struggle. -Amen!

Saint Agnes of Assisi, Saint Catherine of Siena…pray for us!