Category: Art Work

seek and find

Seek and Find 11×14
Luke 11:9-10 (New International Version)
9″So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
Quick story…
My kids just finished 4-H, a huge organization that fosters leadership skill and training in everything from animal care to Lego’s. It’s such an amazing club and the kids wanted to do DOG OBEDIENCE, with it being Lauren’s second year and Cooper’s 1 year.
Lauren chose to work with Bob, our 11yr.old blind poodle. Coop chose to work with Krissy our 6 yr old Pomeranian. I say ‘chose’, but the better wording would be ‘stuck with’ because ideally you would never chose a blind old man and a stubborn, prissy pom! But that’s what we had to work with and at first the kids were very excited. Then the reality hit…4-H is hard work and even more of a challenge when working with 2 stubborn dogs.
As the big day approached, the kids started to get more discouraged and asked me many times if they could just give up, fearing they would be humiliated. Knowing they hadn’t practiced and trained like they should have I told them no, we will finish this. This was simply one of those times I had to let them fail.
The day of the show we’re driving over and Cooper is just miserable and I asked him what was wrong. “I’m just so mad because I know Krissy won’t listen to me”. I try and reassure him but could see he was nervous and frankly i could feel his pain. The kids go through their run with the dogs and judges and we wait for the big moment when they call the kids up for scores and ribbons. You could feel the tension throughout the whole arena.

Cooper’s group gets called up first…

Awww, the relief that only a BLUE RIBBON could bring!

Lauren’s next….

On the way home the kids were thrilled and so proud of the dogs. Out of my son’s mouth comes this little song of Luke 11:9-10. I don’t know in which moment I was more happy, seeing them hold those ribbons or hearing my youngest quote scripture, giving the glory to God. What Cooper didn’t know was that the night before I was up late reworking an old piece i just didn’t like. I regessoed (is that a word?) over it and began to rework it.
This was the final result.

Isn’t God the coolest?!

Lovin’ this!

For the last two Wednesday nights at 10pm I’ve had a date. Not the kind of date I’d prefer with my man, but a date with 15 extraordinary emerging artist. It’s a date on my couch with a glass of wine watching the new series on BRAVO called WORK of ART.
I’m totally lovin this summer escape and I’m quickly picking out my favorites and who needs the boot. I anxiously await each challenge imagining what I would create if I was participating, then I critique each artist like I totally know what I’m talking about. Oh it’s fun, so much fun!
My faves are Abdi and Nicole and my least favorite is Nao. BOO to her, she’s mean.
If you are watching I would love to know your favorite. If you are an artist and not watching this on Wednesday nights 10/9 c on Bravo then YOU NEED A DATE WITH THE COUCH! it’s just good clean fun:)


On another note, some of my work is featured on Linda B’s super sweet blog ….
She is having a contest and I’ve been invited to play, yeah!

She picked out this piece to feature in the voting challenge, so if you like it please pop over to her blog and vote for me, voting ends on Friday. Thanks for the challenge Linda!

Thanks to you all for the love, right back atcha!

Wood Blocks

Invest n joy three 4×4″ wood blocks

I’m always looking for new things to paint on. Repurposed art is so cool to me because it gives new life to old, worn out objects.

Recently I have been working with wood. I am really enjoying this! I love the dimension and texture of the wood and I can be rough with it. Sometimes I just like to hit things with a hammer!

I treat the wood like any other surface. First sand the edges, next gesso it , then add my collage elements and paint, finish with a gel medium for protection, then I add the hanging hardware to the back. EASY!

One tip… if wood is damp at all, allow it to dry out for 48 hrs.

Think of all the possibilities!

tick tock, tick tock

Where does the time go? The kids have been out of school for exactly 7 days and I have to admit I’m struggling! The house is a mess, haven’t had my daily hour of power (time with Christ), no workouts, no new blog posts or shop/website updates, no time for ME!! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE MY KIDS and spending time with my family is my greatest joy….but I will not be the best me without a few of these daily rituals and they will not be the best them without some structure and routine.

On a more positive note, I have been blessed to sneak in some girlfriend time(so it is thanks to them i have not completely lost it), walk and bathe the dogs, talk to my dad on his birthday, camping with the family over the holiday, log onto the new e-course I’m taking with Kelly Rae (so good, check her out 1 hour catching up on laundry and spent a few late nights in my studio. But I don’t think I have sat down with my wonderful husband all week!

To do list for tomorrow…..
~Sit down with my wonderful husband and tell him just how wonderful he is
~Get in the WORD
~create a summer schedule
~walk dogs
~clean the house
~plant new flowers
~catch up on paper work and emails
~clean the turtle tank

and if i have anything left after that…play with my kids!
They are probably sick of me by now though.

Ok, I’m done.
Thanks for listening and letting me vent.

little minis under $20

Remember the other day when I stole some time in my studio? Here’s the final result! These are ACEOs or other wise known as Art Card Editions or Originals and they were oh so fun to make.

I used stamps, acrylic paints, alcohol inks, paint pen, chalk pencil, and a piece of wire screen. Then I threw on a little wire hanger that is usually used to hold a photo. Yeah!

I have been trying to come up with some original art with a lower price point to appeal to the ETSY shopper. I have been asked many times if I could do some prints of my work so that more people could afford to buy it. After thinking on this awhile, I’ve decided I’m just not comfortable with prints, no offense to those of you doing prints but it’s just not the direction I want to go.

So… this is the compromise. The average $ amount spent on ETSY is between 15-20$, so offering these little minis for $9 should satisfy the ETSY shopper. I would love some feedback on this price point so I know if I’m in the right ballpark.

Now I need to get busy making more, oh if I must:) Want some tips on your ETSY business? Check out this cool blog

no time for creating

LOVE….being in my studio!

HOPE….to get in there soon!

LIVE….to love, hope and CREATE!

It’s a rainy day and I have NOTHING on the calendar until 3:00. HUMMMMMM, should I allow myself the luxury of my studio, even with this messy house? ABSOLUTELY!

just do it.

that’s it “begin”. just do it…open your heart…let LOVE in. as cheesy as it is that’s how i feel. I want to open my eyes to the new day and sing praises to the One.
woooh, slow down now! b-a-b-y-s-t-e-p-s, one foot in front of the other. Oh i’m green, so green, so forgive me as i stumble along. just don’t give up on me as i love with a whole heart.
love with courage…..

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